‘These SNAYX are venomous, with a bite that you’d be sorry to ignore.’ Kerrang!

SNAYX were formed from a mosh pit. Sure, the Brighton & Sheffield based trio have been in other bands before, dabbling in everything from indie rock to ska, but those groups never incited the communal carnage that Charlie Herridge, Ollie Horner and Lainey Loops crave.

So they formed SNAYX, originally a two-piece, now a three. For a good chunk of time though, SNAYX was more of an idea than an actual band since the pair were too busy going to as many gigs as possible, rather than working on things like songs. They’d talk about SNAYX to anyone who would listen though, hungry to be part of the scene.

The band are on the bills of some great festival this Summer, and we are excited to welcome them to Reading.